Pregnancy, Child Birth, Postpartum and Newborn Care (PCPNC)


Maternal and Child Health Programs are required to adapt certain interventions which are standardized and helps in maintaining quality care. Maternal and Child Health are major components of primary health care which required consideration especially in developing countries. WHO adapts integrated approach for improving maternal and newborn health. Furthermore, WJOH Proposed a comprehensive guideline to emphasize key interventions followed by health care providers during pregnancy and child birth.

PPHI has adapted WHO PCPNC guidelines to promote standardized quality care which includes routine, additional and specialized care for pregnancy and child birth care. Routine care offered to all women and babies, Additional Care provided to woman and babies with moderately disease or complications and woman with severe diseases or complications are provided with specialized care.

All health care providers trained based on this evidence-based guideline and they instructed to follow these guidelines in their daily care. This guide helps in making sound decisions in managing any type of complications during pregnancy, child birth or during postpartum period. It promotes early detection of problem and helps in taking intervention on timely basis in regards to treatment, management or referral. It facilitates the collection, analysis, classification and use of relevant information by suggesting key questions, essential observations and/or examinations, and recommending appropriate research-based interventions.

The duration of this course for training is six days but PPHI also divided this book into smaller 12 modules, to conduct on the job training of 2-3 hour long module if the practicing doctors are unable to spare time due to heavy caseload for long 6 day course.

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