

Energy is a necessity of life required both by rural and urban population. Overall, one-third of Pakistan's population has no access to electricity. 80% of those not having electricity live in rural areas. In today's world, almost nothing can be done without electricity. It means that one-third of our people are destined to live a primitive and difficult life. Some 30,000 villages are yet to be electrified out of a total of 125,000 villages. This means a population of 30 million remains without electricity in rural areas. Thus, a total of 4.6 million households including Health facilities are to be provided electricity in rural areas. More over due to centralized distribution network consumers who have grid connections facing load shedding of 8-16 hours daily due to shortfall of 5,000 Megawatts to 7,000 Megawatts in all provinces of Pakistan specially Baluchistan and Sindh.

Utility Grid cannot go everywhere except to villages closer to urban centers and localized fossil-based solutions are almost infeasible and awfully expensive. Diesel-based electricity, for example, costs Rs. 28-32 per unit which is very high comparing to grid or solar system which is Rs. 7-9 per unit.

Pakistan’s existing energy mix is highly dependent on expensive fuels, like oil and gas, instead of coal and hydel. More than 70% of electricity produce by these resources generates huge amount of carbon dioxide and other toxic gasses emission.

Renewable Energy is the only possible solution which does not require fuel which apart from cost cannot be transported to all places. Renewable Energy Technology has evolved tremendously; solar, wind, micro-hydro and bio-mass, out of which solar PV is the leader.

Besides of all above, major drawback of outages is we cannot continue health services as todays hospitals services are tied with electricity. Because all machineries of hospital are run with electricity. That is why PPHI Sindh is not just relying on power distribution companies but has decided to go green with solar power considering its benefits.

Solar energy is a renewable free source of energy that is sustainable and non-polluting source of energy and it does not emit any greenhouse gases when producing electricity and this is main reason of choosing solar power by PPHI Sindh.

Other is in Rural Sindh
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Installation Status of HF’s Throughout Sindh
  • Initiation
    The Solarisation of HFs was initiated in 2016
  • Target
    The target for the year was achieved in August 2017 with solarization of 332 HFs
  • Phase I
    Phase I gave great results; patients show a sigh of relief ensuring an increase in requests of solar system from BHUs
  • Demand
    Considering the demand PPHI Sindh decided to initiate targeted solarization in different phases. PPHI Sindh is also powering its newly develop labs for uninterrupted
Going Green Concept (Carbon Foot Prints)
  • Introduction
    After the solarization of 572 HFs, the system is capable of self-generating electricity and the total installed system capacity will be 2.271 Megawatts which will produce pollution free 3.32 Gigawatts hour/year.
  • Phase I, II & III
    Approximately produce 3.32 Giga watts of green energy every year
  • Saving
    Almost 2,559 Tons of Carbon Dioxide Emission every Year
  • Backup
    We are giving backup of 35,564 Trees every Year saving Earth from CO2
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